Google Introduces email ''Unsend'' Feature

Google has added an "undo" option to sent mail on its Gmail platform. Users who have
second thoughts about an email will now have the option to "undo" immediately after
hitting "send."
The undo function was previously only found in Gmail Labs, Google's testbed for pre-
release and experimental functions for its popular webmail service. However, within the
next two weeks or so, the "undo send" ability will begin to show up in regular Gmail.
According to Google , "undo send" allows Gmail users to "cancel a sent mail if they have
second thoughts immediately after sending."
Now that drunken love letter to a past flame, or the over-the-top letter of resignation that
you sent, you know the one, where you named names? Those can be stopped in the time
when people generally realize their email is regrettable, which is seconds after hitting
The feature is turned off by default, and can be activated under the "General" tab in Gmail's
settings. You can also set the length of time between when you hit send and when you
can undo your email. The options are 5, 10, 20, or 30 seconds to cancel before your email
is permanent and the damage is done.
Have you ever wished you could take back an email? Let us know what you think of
Gmail's new option in the comments.
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