Which fantasy game world would you want to live in?

When immersing myself in the games that I play, I often find myself carrying that game play experience into my dreams later that night, and imagining what it would be like to actually be in that world. Sometimes it’s a great experience and offers freedom and reliving the experiences, but more as I would see fit. On the other hand it can be quite terrifying (cue The Last of Us). It’s one thing to play said game, to have a character to empathise with and make the decisions through however, until VR properly kicks in with all the bells and whistles, will we ever get to take that experience further than the controller in hand?
So I’ve often thought to myself, what is the world I often would like to be a part of. Baring in mind I’m weighing up the level of excitement and adrenaline, vs safety. When I say that I mean it’s great and all, being in a world that offers complete safety, no harm and just a day in day out, same old same old. But that just makes it a little boring, and realistically, I would look for where the excitement is and the thrills are.
So series like Fallout come to mind. Now you might suggest that I’m crazy for saying that. But a post apocalyptic world after a nuclear fallout just sounds captivating. No, it’s not the safest, and more likely than not, I’m going to be  drinking radiated water (what’s the harm, right?). But the excitement of going into a world that no longer has laws, and is one that you make things your way, just sounds pretty “cool”.
Then there is the big favourite of The Witcher. Of course, you’d be a Witcher similar to the likes of Geralt, meaning you have all the benefits and powers to give you the edge in the universe, to make it worthwhile. Instead of being Joe Bloggs and being eaten by a Griffin within the first 15 years (or minutes) of your life. But that’s not to say that being a Witcher is an easy life. I’ve come to find, playing through the fantasy world, that anyone can be an enemy, and friendships can also be found in the most unlikely of places. You’re kept on your toes, that’s for sure.
There’s also the choice of Gears of War. An odd choice considering a rough life expectancy for a soldier seems just a few days. But, don’t forget, this is your world, you’re the main guy, who can’t die… but then again, this is Gears of War, so actually, you might get taken down by a locust general. But the main appeal here is the sweet-ass guns, the testosterone filled adrenaline of day to day life. It’s not gonna be the same, but you know you’ll be fighting close to the people you get on with the most.
On the other hand, you also have the world of Minecraft.  Slightly different compared to the others. But to be in the Minecraft world, where you can create and build whatever you want, sounds quite blissful, and almost like an early retirement come true, plus a good few millions of cash at your disposal. Where you can just look at an area of land (or  sea) and build to your heart’s content.
Overall though, if there was a fantasy world that I could see myself living in, it would be No Man’s Sky. I might be cheating here, as I’ve never played it, however, basing it on the concept alone of space exploration at your jet’s thrusters tips. Finding planets that someone may come across after I have put up my flag of Kailios-Donia, or in fact knowing that some may never come across no matter how many days, months or years they play. The excitement of getting into your own ship and jet setting off, to make what is a massive universe, your own. That’s where I could be. So what about you? What game world could you see yourself living in?

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