Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 Scraps Campaign mode on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3

Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 will only be half a game on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3

If you're looking forward to the next call of duty release but you're still rocking a last gen console (playStation 3 and Xbox3), Activision dropped some bad news.
Treyarch,the game developer announced that Black Ops 3 won't feature a campaign mode on those last-gen consoles. This is because "The ambitious scope of the 1-4 player co-op Campaign design of the PS4, Xbox One and PC versions could not be faithfully recreated on old generation hardware," the company explains. Due to the fact that the game will only offer multiplayer and Zombie modes, Activision is setting the price at $50. As you might expect, other features that take advantage of the power of the Xbox One, PS4 and PC -- like eSports tools and the Weapons Paint Shop -- won't be available either. The game arrives on November 6th, and if you were really looking forward to that co-op campaign, there's the 1TB PS4 bundle.

The claim of a campaign that is in some way too ambitious to even work on older consoles is intriguing. If taken at face value, it suggests that Treyarch is still trying to make its contribution to theCall of Duty series a little less of a linear, on rails shooter. For single player fans, that's certainly something to look forward to.
But for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 owners who were hoping to keep hold of their consoles for a little longer, it's bad news. Those old consoles are still going to get AAA games for a while longer, but now they're going to be giving up more than a bit of graphical quality. They'll be missing big portions of the game.
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